Now before I go into all of the things I have planned for resuming this journal of my shady eccentricities, I owe a huge thank you to the individual, the friend, the artist, who gave me the necessary nudge to peel myself away from other pursuits and get back to being Me.
I was recently asked to do something I had not done in ages, and in this instance especially, I must say, it was quite an honour. This weekend is the 37th ArmadilloCon in Austin, TX. Borrowed from their site, the best description of this gathering:
"ArmadilloCon is an annual literary convention sponsored by the Fandom Association of Central Texas, Inc.. The primary focus of ArmadilloCon is science fiction and fantasy, but we also pay attention to art, animation, science, media, and gaming. Every year, dozens of professional writers, artists and editors attend the convention. We invite you to attend the convention, especially if you are a fan of reading, writing, gaming, and generally having fun.

This year's Artist Guest is the infinitely talented Rocky Kelley. It was my honour to provide a more-extensive-than-usual bio for the event's program book. I have been a great admirer of Mr. Kelley's work for many years, including, but not limited to his Dark Romantic pieces produced as Ashen Gray. We are currently in the process of an artistic collaboration, and as I am able, I will provide updates.
I have been very fortunate over the years to have been able to get to know such talented individuals who represent Art in all its many forms. While I am not currently able to attend Cons as regularly as I would prefer, it is through these genius souls that I get to see and appreciate the size and scope of the creative community and the lives of its members. For now I am more than content to share the brilliance of their work through blog posts, photos and the occasional giddy Facebook post when I am able to add a piece of their work to my collection (and insanely cluttered office decor).
And this leads me back to my plan.. we are now fewer than 100 days from our beloved All Hallow's Eve. Time to knock the dust off of the blog, take some time to post in the midst of other writing projects, and come out of my cave.
Again, a huge debt of gratitude owed Rocky Kelley and the kind organizers of ArmadilloCon who will be publishing my written bio of this fantastic artist, as well as a short bio of this reclusive not-yet-old Crow. ;)
Keep it Spooky and I shall see you all soon,